Sunday, August 22, 2010

Life Lessons

Since I last checked in I have started fasting,did an interview with my family from Harlem World Radio, surprised a friend with a custom B-Day cake, planned a T&A Tea Party, an Erotic Dessert Party, planned the whole month of October for celebrating my B-Day. October calls for celebration because it was the month in which I was born. This month is bittersweet for me. Its also the month in which God felt the need to call me Grandmother Annie Mae Moore home 3 days before my B-Day. I am getting through it but I will never get over it. Fasting helps me get clarity, commune with God and allows me to see who I am clearly. I am learning that people will disappoint you both unintentionally and intentionally. Despite this we must love them and love one another. I have learned to control my anger. Not having time to be angry on top of viewing anger as a wasted emotion has allowed me to have more patience. I keep myself GROUNDED. This is extremely important. I don't want to get "big headed" and start thinking that I am "THE PASTRY CHEF". I want to remain that down to earth, funny, beautiful(on the inside where it counts) person that God made me to be. I make sure to LAUGH EVERY DAY. That is a HUGE part of my daily diet.

I thank God for giving me such a talent that I can share with others. Since I'm a giver, giving comes quite naturally for me. I have 2 days until I finish fasting and this has been very challenging. God has been showing me some things that are wonderful and some that are painful. I am working on some cake ideas that will blow you away. I want to thank my TEAM". Without them I could not do what I do. My Assistant Shawna B of Shawna B Events is the GREATEST....Love you Sweets...
You have to take the GOOD with the BAD. That one of LIFE'S LESSONS.


  1. Thanks Danielle for giving us a peek into your life. I truly admire you for the tenacity and resilience that you have displayed throughout the years I've known you. I wish you nothing but the best in the years to come!

  2. Beautiful is the only word that I can come up with, Danielle!

  3. @Sharon..You are most welcome. Thank you for reading
    @Andrew...Thank you Andrew
