Sunday, December 5, 2010

When There's Nothing Left To Do.....

When you've had just about everything go terribly wrong and you felt like you did not have the strength to go and and continue that "Good Fight" just SMILE, take a deep breath and look up. As you ca see in my photo I am looking up. Not at the rolling pin but higher up where my help comes from. I have been going through like I sometimes do. This time the things were more painful, more disruptive and overall made me feel defeated. I had to remind myself that the closer I get to where God wants me to be the more I will be tested. It was like walking down the street on a warm sunny day feeling marvelous and then have someone trip you, watch you fall and then kick you while you are down on the ground.
I had to pick myself up, dust myself off, tend to my wounds and Pray. I know where my help comes from and who I belong to. I had to remind myself that if Jesus went through then I am not exempt. Did that lessen the blows? No. Did I make the wounds less painful? No. There was nothing left to do but pray and smile. I will not let the enemy think he has won. I come from a long line of fighters. I was born for this. Bred for this. So I plan to stay prayed up, stay the course and keep my head up because When There's Nothing Left To Do , the only thing you can do is pray and smile because God's got this...
This fight is not mine alone. I had to remember to get quiet and to go into deep prayer and let God heal me. Strengthen me. Refuel me. When There's Nothing Left To Do.....PRAY.....